If by 'resistance' you mean several weeks of death threats, promises to firebomb our office, hacking attempts, and an unrelenting firehose of the most threatening, violent, and disgusting vitriol imaginable sent directly to me and several other WildWorks employees, perhaps you can understand why my tone since the AMA has been less than deferential. You might assume I'm talking about a few bad apples that don't represent the community as a whole, but I'm talking about the majority of what we're getting, not a few isolated incidents.
So no, while I'm always happy to engage with players - even angry ones - in a tone of mutual respect and rationality like yours, I'm not particularly inclined to extend that courtesy to the abusive and unhinged.
There is definitely merit to your and Katy's points about poor communication on our part, and I'll attempt to respond to those with the attention they deserve when I have a bit more time. Until then, I genuinely appreciate you sharing your thoughts and criticisms here.